Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 3 Pre-assessment

Module 3 Pre-Assessment

Q As a student, you already have gained a great deal of knowledge. What you know and have experienced prior to this class will affect how you perceive, learn, and retain new information. Your learning is also affected by what you think you know. To share your current knowledge, respond to the following before you review the content in the module. ________________________________________ Identify reasons why you might conduct a job analysis.

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Job analysis is mainly done to identify the competencies. It is often done to measure the performance of the employees. The management of a company sometimes conducts a job analysis to keep track of the ongoing track most importantly, job analysis is also done to identify immediate requirement of any resources. With the help of job analysis, job satisfaction level of the employees can also be identified. Job analysis is a performance evaluation method to assist the management to identify how the employees are working.